Discovery of silver
The discovery of metals to leave the truly amazing leap forward for human civilization. The first one to be found were the native metals such as gold, silver and copper occurring naturally in a pure form. "As each metal is discovered, the companies were transformed."
Silver occurs as ductile, twisted, branching numerous metal that native silver tarnish the gray and black, or silver sulfide as argentite. It is found most often combined with the sulfides of lead, copper and zinc (galena, sphalerite, and Calcopirita). In its native form, as usually occurs silver star-shaped or tree-like clusters, the dendrites and wire-like forms, or as compact masses. It's occasionally crystallizes as cubes or octahedra.
About Sterling Silver
Silver is very soft and is usually attached to allow it to be stronger. The league best known is "Sterling Silver", which is 92.5 percent and 7.5 percent Silver Copper, and has always been valued for their capability to work and resistance to corrosion. It is also called "925 Sterling Silver." The primary applications are for that coinage of silver, jewelry, medicine, chemistry, and photography. Because of its electrical and thermal conductivity, it is also important in electro-technology.
Nature Silver metallic Silver (Ag) includes a hardness of two.5 to 3 along with a density of 9.6 to 12 (when pure). This is opaque, includes a metallic sheen, and leaves a white striations. It has no cleavage and breaks with hackly fracture. Silver is one of the system cubic crystal, but crystals are rare, forming as octahedrons or hexahedrons. Silver occurs usually as yarn, dendrites, or plates.
The various patterns Silver
Silver may be the different standards. Fine Silver, Silver, Silver Britannia, Mexican Silver, Coin Silver, Silvers and German (not to be mistaken with nickel silver, also is known with this term) will vary patterns of silver utilized in Germany.
The biggest producer of silver is the Mine Guanajuato, in Mexico, where he was extracted silver from 1500 AD. Over fifty percent of world reserves of silver are held in Mexico, U.S., Canada, Peru, Kazakhstan, and Russia.